
Discover this fun course with the children.

Are you on vacation with your family in the Pyrenees ? Do you want to discover an unusual activity ?

Don't hesitate more. We offer a canyon suitable for children, from 5 years old, to share a real moment with family or friends.

A formula specially dedicated to kids

Canyoning is a great activity to offer your children. Surrounded by nature, they discover the mountain in a different way, by going down a stream. A fun and playful activity punctuated with jumps and slides. Your children will even be introduced to rope climbing ! Rest assured, they will quickly get a taste for overcoming the different obstacles (even if none of them are obligatory).

A real moment of parent-child sharing 

The holiday period is a great opportunity to share unforgettable moments with children. Canyoning is particularly suitable for this. Laughter, sharing, surpassing oneself, the perfect combo for a successful family vacation. For more than 10 years, we have been committed to bringing you to life and sharing our passion for canyoning.

Fun, yes, but in complete safety

Even if they don't seem like it, our experienced and State-certified guides will be particularly attentive to the well-being of your little ones and their progress throughout the course. We ensure maximum fun and this in complete safety. Word from the Pyrenees !

The Bielsa canyon, 40 minutes from Saint-Lary Soulan

The activity takes place in the Bielsa canyon, on the Spanish side, in the Monte Perdido massif. It is a canyon that requires a 15-minute approach walk to get to the start. It then takes around 2 hours of descent and 5 minutes of walking back to find the car.

Are your children over 8 years old ?

So don't hesitate to consult our Family formula.

Ok, let's go !

To book, nothing could be simpler! Contact Coco at + 70. Do not hesitate to share your questions with her, she will be happy to answer them.

And as they say around here, see you soon!

Kis en canyon

Practical information


From 5 years old

Saut canyon

Jumps from 1m to 3m

Not compulsory

Toboggan canyon

Numerous fun slides

Rappel sur corde

Rope / Belay initiation technique

Handrail / Zipline not compulsory


40 minutes from Saint Lary

Marche d'approche

15 minutes approach walk


5 minutes return walk


Half day

40 / person
Families and groups, ask us.
Book now at +

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